if (typeof FIRSTCLASS == "undefined" || !FIRSTCLASS) { var FIRSTCLASS = {}; } FIRSTCLASS.languages = { en: { errors: { getErrorString: function(code) { var eobj = code; if (typeof code == "object") { code = code.code; } var estr = FIRSTCLASS.locale.errors[code]; if (!estr) { estr = "No string exists for this error
Error Code: \$code\$"; } if (typeof eobj =="number") { eobj = {code: code}; } if (code != eobj) { return FIRSTCLASS.locale.doSub(estr, eobj); } else { return estr; } }, 1028: "The name you have chosen is illegal, contains invalid characters or is blank.", 1031: "Error: A user already exists with that email address, please try again", 1030: "You do not have permission to open this item.
If you believe this message to be in error, please notify your administrator with what you were doing and the following information:
Error Code: \$code\$", 1038: "The User Directory is locked. If problem persists, restart the FirstClass Server.", 1048: "This object has been deleted by the owner.", 1080: "The name you have chosen already exists in the Directory. Please choose a different name.", 1081: "Item could not be found. It may have been deleted by another user.", 1093: "You are running out of disk space, please delete some items to free up disk space.
Please notify your administrator with what you were doing and the following information:
Error Code: \$code\$" }, general: { external: "external" }, pulse: { lbl: "THE PULSE", filters: { everyone: "everyone", mypeople: "my people", me: "me" }, prompt: "share something...", more: "load more...", post: "post" }, desktop: { tag: { lbl: "MY TAGS|the most recent tags you have used", info: "tags you use in the system will be shown here" }, emptystatus: "click here to set your status", watches: "MY FLAGGED ITEMS|everything you are monitoring for changes", people: "MY PEOPLE|everyone you are following", communities: "COMMUNITIES", prof: "MY PROFILE", invitations: "MY INVITATIONS|invitations for you to join a community", search: "Search", delconfirm: "You are deleting an original community. All other members will lose access as well. Do you want to continue?", unsubconfirm: { 33: "Are you sure you want to stop following this user?", 66: "Are you sure you want to stop being a member of this community?" }, lots: "lots", navaway: { prefix: "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?", editing: "You are currently editing a message post.\r", suffix: "Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page." }, summ: { originals: "originals", subscriptions: "subscriptions", total: "total", totalusers: "total users", items: "items", followed: "followed", online: "online", blogitems: "items" }, mypeople: { profile: "\$name\$\'s profile", viewprofile: "view profile", dochat: "Chat with \$name\$", chat: "chat" }, discover: "discover" }, chat: { sendfailed: "Failed, please try again", buddiesonline: " Online", sent: "Sent...", and: " and ", headerprefix: "Chat with " }, community: { summ: { subscribers: "members", posts: "posts", views: "views" }, feed: { lbl: "Feed", actions: { subscribe: "join this community", topic: "new topic", question: "ask a question", setup: "set up community|customize the look of this community and add a community description", about: "about this community|about this community", watch: "Subscribe", unwatch: "Unsubscribe", invite: "invite a new member|invite a new member", commsettings: "subscription|subscription" }, updated: "\$name\$ was updated (version \$version\$)", uploaded: "\$name\$ was uploaded", created: "\$name\$ was created", more: "more...", less: "less...", loading: "loading...", attachments: "show attachments", tags: "Tags: ", threadonly: "Viewing only the selected thread, click here to view the entire feed", infolder: "Found in: ", abouttitle: "Community:", microblog: { createcommunity: "\$username\$ created community \$communityname\$", invited: "\$username\$ invited \$invitedname\$ into community \$communityname\$", loggedon: "\$username\$ first login", blogpost: "\$username\$ blog update: \$blogname\$", status: "\$username\$: \$status\$" }, deleteOrig: "Deleting this feed item will delete the original uploaded file. Do you wish to continue?", mreply1: "1 more reply", mreply: "\$0\$ more replies", reply1: "1 reply", reply: "\$0\$ replies", read1: "1 read item", read: "\$0\$ read items", hide1: "hide 1 read item", hide: "hide \$0\$ read items", version: "Version \$0\$", mread1: "1 more read item", mread: "\$1\$ more read items" }, docs: { lbl: "Documents", count: "Documents", filter: "Filter", columns: { type: "Type", name: "Name", size: "Size", author: "Uploaded by", version: "Ver", lastmod: "Uploaded on", tags: "Tags", comments: "Comments" }, info: { needapprove: "(requires approval)", desc: "Description: ", nodesc: "none", version: "Version ", old: " (OLD) ", latest: " (latest) ", moddate: "last modified ", auth: ", by " }, actions: { upload: "add document|share a file with this community" }, close: "close", initial: "click to share the first document in this community", desc: "Description:", tags: "Page Tags:", nopre: "no preview available...", showall: "list all documents in this community", showlist: "(show list of documents)", of: " of ", del: { header: "Delete \"\$name\$\"", prompt: "If you continue, the document \$name\$ will be deleted, including all versions and comments.", cont: "continue", cancel: "cancel" }, plugin: { header: "Install Communities Plugin", message: "Click \'install\' to install the FirstClass Communities document editing plugin. Your browser may provide more specific instructions.", FFName: "Communities Document Edit Plugin", cancel: "cancel", install: "install" }, slideview: { all: "All slides", show: "show slide list", hide: "hide slide list", slide: "choose a slide to view", first: "first slide", prev: "previous slide", next: "next slide", last: "last slide", total: " of \$count\$" } }, wiki: { lbl: "Wiki", count: "Pages", find: "Find page", hide: "hide list", show: "show list", at: "at", by: "by", tags: "Page Tags:", contents: "Contents", initial: "click to create the first page in this wiki", cancel: "cancel", savebtn: "save", details: "Version \$version\$\$old\$: Last Modified \$date\$ by \$author\$", history: "Page History", oldver: " (old version)", noedit: "This page is not available for editing. Please try again later.", ncomments: "(\$count\$ new)", editing: "(Editing page)", needapprove: "This wiki has not yet been approved.", approve: "\$1\$Click here\$2\$ to view it before approving.", showall: "(show list of pages)", showalltip: "list all wiki pages in this community", save: { title: "Save changes to", name: "Page Name:", notes: "Notes:", tags: "Tags:", cancel: "cancel", save: "save", desc: "Description:", defname: "New Wiki Page", defcomm: "original post" }, actions: { wikinew: "new wiki page|create a new page in the community wiki" }, del: { header: "Delete \"\$name\$\"", prompt: "If you continue, the wiki page \"\$name\$\" will be deleted, including all versions and comments.", cont: "continue", cancel: "cancel" }, tooltips: { pginfo: "set up special behavior for this page", showtoc: "show page contents", hidetoc: "hide page contents", scrolltoc: "scroll page contents", shownav: "show list of pages", hidenav: "hide list of pages", scrollnav: "scroll for more pages" }, columns: { date: "Modified on", author: "Modified by" } }, actions: { lbl: "ACTIONS" }, communityinfo: { lbl: "COMMUNITY INFORMATION" }, members: { lbl: "RECENT VISITORS|users who have recently visited this community" }, tag: { lbl: "TAGS|the tags recently used in this community", info: "tags used in this community will be shown here" }, post: { topic: "Topic:", question: "Question:" }, loading: "Loading", nomore: "No More Items Available", show: "show", hide: "hide" }, search: { lbl: "Search for \"\%s\"", bloglbl: "Popular Blogs", commlbl: "Popular Communities", recentlbl: "Recent Activity by \$name\$", discoverlbl: "Discover", items: { lbl: "Content", blogpost: "BLOG POST", blogreply: "BLOG COMMENT", filereply: "DOCUMENT COMMENT", wiki: "WIKI", discussion: "DISCUSSION", doc: "DOCUMENT", postfmt: "\$type\$: \$where\$ Posted: \$date\$ by \$name\$", blogwhere: "\$where\$\'s Blog", docnew: "\$type\$: \$where\$ Created: \$date\$ by \$name\$", editfmt: "\$type\$: \$where\$ Updated: \$date\$ by \$name\$", filenew: "\$type\$: \$where\$ Uploaded: \$date\$ by \$name\$", more: "more..." }, people: { lbl: "People", prof: "Profile ", cont: "Contains ", auth: "Author" }, places: { lbl: "Communities", priv: "Private" }, requesttojoin: { subject: "I would like to join this community", dosend: "Send Request", cancel: "Cancel", sent: "Membership request sent", slbl: "Subject:", blbl: "Message:", reqmembership: "Request Membership" } }, toolbars: { feed: { reply: "reply", answer: "answer", quote: "quote|quote the selected text in your response", comment: "comment", edit: "edit|update the file directly on the server", sendto: "send to|copy the file to an external document repository", del: "delete|delete this item", watch: "flag|add this item to MY FLAGGED ITEMS on your home page to watch for changes", tag: "tag", print: "print", permalink: "permalink|create an address to permanently link to this post", dismiss: "close menu" }, documents: { open: "open|view the file or save a copy to your computer", edit: "edit|update the file directly on the server", update: "update|upload a newer version of the file", share: "share|share the file with others by email, posting to another community, or linking", comment: "comments", del: "delete|delete the file and all associated versions and comments", watch: "flag|flag the file on your home page to watch for changes", tag: "tags", download: "download|download the file to your computer\'s file system", history: "history|list all versions and comments for the file", deletevers: "delete|delete this version only" }, wiki: { edit: "edit page", history: "history|list all versions and comments for the page", watch: "flag|flag this page on your home screen to watch for changes", share: "share|share the page with others through email, in another community, or by linking", tags: "tags", del: "delete|delete the page and all associated versions and comments", comment: "comments|comment on this page", back: "back to page", view: "view", print: "print", permalink: "permalink|create an address to permanently link to this post", approve: "approve|approve this page to be read by all community participants", changes: "show changes|compare this version of the wiki to the previous one", compare: "compare to current|compare this version of the wiki to the current version", prev: "previous", next: "next", showhist: "(show history)" }, editor: { undo: "undo", redo: "redo", insertimage: "insert image", insertdoc: "insert document link", wikilink: "insert wiki link", weblink: "insert web link Ctrl + Shift + L", quote: "insert quotation", embed: "embed active content", bullet: "bulleted list", number: "numbered list", style: "text style", plain: "remove formatting", level: "section level", indent: "indent", outdent: "outdent", body: "body text", head: "heading", subhead: "subheading" }, comment: "comment", del: "delete|delete this item", edit: "edit", send: "send to|send this item", print: "print|open this item for printing", reply: "reply|post a reply into this thread", tag: "tag|view the tags on this item", unwatch: "unflag|remove the flag from this item", watch: "flag|flag this item", upload: "upload document|store a copy of a file on the Documents tab", readall: "mark all as read|make all unread items display as if you had read them", importfromrepo: "import from $name$" }, uploader: { title: "Upload Document:", file: "File:", dup: "There is already a document called \"^1\" in the community \"^2\". You can:", rename: "Upload the file with a new name:", update: "Update the existing document with this file", description: "Description:", notes: "Notes:", tags: "Tags:", cancel: "cancel", upload: "upload", uptitle: "Update Document from File:", errors: { file: "Unable to complete document upload.", meta: "Unable to post document metadata." }, select: "select...", skip: "Skip this file", proceed: "proceed", choose: "Choose file(s) to upload", count: "\$0\$ file(s) selected" }, editor: { insertmenu: { image: "Image...", link: "Link to Website...", wikilink: "Link to Wiki...", doclink: "Link to Document...", threadlink: "Link to Topic...", userlink: "Link to User...", commlink: "Link to Community...", bfembed: "Embedded Content...", table: "Table...", newwiki: "Linked Wiki...", newdoc: "Linked Document...", rule: "Horizontal Rule", smiley: "Smiley...", quote: "Quotation...", linkmenu: "Link", newmenu: "New", insert: "Insert", editlink: "Edit Link..." }, embed: { menuitem: "Embed Active Content", title: "Embed Active Content", scanerror: "No valid embeddable content found.", paste: "Paste or type HTML content to embed:" }, image: { thumbalt: "click to view full\-size image", embed: "Image File:", upload: "upload", url: "URL:", title: "Title", scale: "Scale", scale25: "25\%", scale50: "50\%", scale75: "75\%", scale100: "original size", scale125: "125\%", scale150: "150\%", scale200: "200\%", scaleother: "other size", link: "Link:", cantupload: "Unable to upload image." }, weblink: { title: "Insert Web Link", text: "Link Text:", linktext: "Web Link" }, itemlink: { community: "Community:", nullitem: "Loading...", listloading: "Community list loading; please wait, then choose an item to link.", objtitle: "Item:", noitem: "No item chosen; please choose an item to link.", wikititle: "Insert Wiki Link", wikiobj: "Wiki page:", doctitle: "Insert Document Link", docobj: "Document:", threadtitle: "Insert Discussion Link", threadobj: "Topic:" }, dirlink: { search: "Searching...", nomatch: "There is no match \- try typing a few more characters.", nodir: "Unable to query directory. Please try again later.", deftitle: "Insert User Link", deflabel: "Search string:", defpick: "Choose item:", nochoice: "No entry chosen; please choose an item to link.", usertitle: "Insert User Link", usersrch: "User name:", commtitle: "Insert Community Link", commsrch: "Community name:", userpick: "Pick user:", commpick: "Pick community:" }, newwiki: { statload: "Loading...", statconflict: "There is already a page with that name. Press OK to link to the existing page, or enter a new name.", statok: "Press OK to create the new linked page.", statinitial: "Enter title of new page.", title: "Create Linked Wiki Page", comm: "Community:", page: "Page title:" }, newdoc: { title: "Create Linked Document" }, misc: { prog: "Posting...", nocancel: "Could not cancel message post.", addrfail: "Message could not be addressed.", cantopen: "Unable to open object for editing." } }, history: { version: "Version $version$", created: "created by $name$, $date$", updated: "updated by $name$, $date$", uploaded: "uploaded by $name$, $date$", commented: "$name$, $date$", makecurrent: "make current", latest: " (latest)" }, comments: { add: "Add a comment:", version: "Version" }, diff: { changes: "Show Changes", previous: "preceding version", compare: "Compare to Latest", latest: "latest version", parsefail: "Wiki differences: JSON parsing failed.", cantopen: "Unable to open the chosen wiki page." }, workflows: { community: { create: "Create Community", cancel: "Cancel", failed: "CREATE FAILED, TRY AGAIN", skip: "Skip this Step", dosave: "Save", invite: "Invite", doclose: "Close", exists: "Sorry, that name is in use. Please try another.", invalid: "Sorry, that is not a valid community name." }, members: { next: "invite", cancel: "Cancel", doclose: "done", invite: "Invite People to \"\$title\$\"", added: "The user has been added, you can now invite another user.", failed: "Could not add, please try again.", message: "Please provide an invitation message", add: "invite", clickuser: "Click on a user to view their miniprofile", sendinvite: "Send Invitation", tryagain: "Try Again", thanks: "Thank you, an invitation has been sent to \$first\$ \$last\$ at \$email\$", userselect: "Did you mean one of these users?", incomplete: "You must fill out the user\'s complete email address and name to send an invitation, please try again.", userselect2: "Click here if the user you are looking for is not in the list.", userselect3: "Please select a user to invite", userselect4: "Not the user you were looking for? Click here to send an invitation", invalidemail: "Please enter a valid email address", sending: "Sending Invitation...", emailname: "You must search by name, searching by email address is not currently supported" }, memberlist: { toolbar: { edit: "edit", noedit: "members" }, title: "Members List", close: "Close", loading: "Loading, please wait...", rights: { controller: "Owner", moderator: "Moderator", contributor: "Contributor", reader: "Reader", def: "Not Customized", none: "No Access", owner: "Owner" }, del: "remove member", errors: { failure: "You do not have sufficient privileges to view the member of this community" } }, invitation: { title: "Invitation to join the Community \"\$name\$\"", accept: "accept", decline: "decline", singlematch: "User \'\$username\$\' was found, but no profile is available." }, upload: { docancel: "cancel", title: "upload" }, tags: { main: "Tags:", click: "Click to tag:", newtag: "New tag:", add: "add" }, sendto: { ecmtitle: "Save \$name\$ to \$repository\$", email: { name: "email", title: "Send to Email", send: "send", cancel: "cancel", permalink: "Link to Original", remove: "remove", add: "add" }, blog: { name: "My Blog" } }, aboutcommunity: { close: "Close", edit: "Edit", dosave: "Save", docancel: "Cancel", subscribetitle: "Email Subscription:", subscribenone: "None", subscribefeed: "Email me everything", subscribedigest: "Email me a Daily Digest" }, acceptmember: { accept: "accept request", accepted: "member accepted, invitation sent", insufficientprivs: "You don\'t have sufficient privileges in this community to add members", failed: "operation failed, please try again later" }, account: { changepassword: "Click here to change your password", windowtitle: "Account Settings", changeemail: "Click here to change your email address", nomatchpassword: "Your retyped new password does not match.", passwordchanged: "Your password has been successfully changed.", passwordunchanged1: "Your password was NOT changed. Either your old password was not entered correctly, or your new password was not retyped correctly.", passwordunchanged2: "Your password was NOT changed.", submit: "submit", cancel: "cancel", error: "Submission failed: " } }, integrations: { ecm: { search: { unavailable: "Sorry, but integrated search is not currently available. Please try again later", searching: "Searching \$repository\$, please wait ...", noresult: "Search produced no results", view: "view", link: "link into a community", copy: "copy to a community", created: "Created By:", description: "Description:", summary: "Summary:", thumbnail: "Thumbnail:", submit: "submit" }, browse: { close: "close", upload: "Reserving, please wait..." }, copy: { title: "Copy file from \$repository\$", submit: "Copy to BlueField", submitcustom: "Copy to \$community\$", wait: "Copying, please wait" }, reserve: { wait: "Reserving, please wait..." }, unreserve: { wait: "Unreserving, please wait..." }, errors: { error1: "Generic ECM integration error.", error2: "Web Services timeout.", error3: "Web Services SOAP fault.", error4: "Artesia \- no preview available.", error5: "Repository load error as integer.", error10: "You do not have sufficient permissions to add a revision.", error11: "The file is locked by another user.", error12: "The file no longer exists in the repository.", error13: "The file has been changed in the repository; this version is out of date.", error99: "HTTP client connection error." }, link: { title: "Link file from \$repository\$", submit: "Link into BlueField", submitcustom: "Link into \$community\$", wait: "Linking, please wait" }, send: { sending: "Sending to \$repository\$, please wait" }, cancel: "Cancel", succeeded: "Operation Succeeded", failed: "Operation Failed, please try again:", close: "Close", save: "Save", versionconfirm: "Are you sure you would like to add a new version to \'\$fname\$\' in \$repository\$?", archiveto: "Archive to \$repository\$" }, importedfrom: "Imported from Repository: \$name\$", feedimported: "\$name\$ was Imported from \$repository\$" }, invitation: { fmt: "\$name\$ has invited you to join the Community \"\$where\$\"
", yes: "Accept", no: "Decline", more: "More" }, watches: { unfired: "\"\$name\$\" in \"\$where\$\"", fired: "there is new activity on \"\$name\$\" in \"\$where\$\"" }, profile: { follow: "Follow", stopFollow: "Stop following", failed: "Failed", noRetrieve: "Unable to retrieve your profile data. Please try again later.", editProfile: "Edit Profile", changePicture: "Change Picture", currOnline: "is currently online", currOffline: "is currently offline", noStatMsg: "has not set a status message", clickToSet: "click here to set your status", noEdit: "Your profile is currently read only and is not available for editing. Please try again later.", followers: "PEOPLE FOLLOWING \$whosProfile\$|everyone who is following this person", spare2: "spare2", cantcreate: "Unable to create your profile. [error: \$status\$]", ownmissing: "You have not yet set up your profile. Select \'Edit Profile\' to do so.", othermissing: "This user has not yet set up their profile.", following: "Following", loc: "Location:", phone: "Phone:", email: "email:", groupDetail: "Group Details", userName: "Name", userPos: "Position:", email: "Email", postCommunity: "Post to Community", selectCommunity: "Select community to send to", permalink: "Permalink", copyAddress: "To link to this post, copy this address", positioninorg: "POSITION IN ORGANIZATION", chatwith: "Chat", recentactivity: "Recent Activity" }, blog: { posts: "posts", views: "views", failed: "Failed", myBlog: "My Blog", othersBlog: "\$whosProfile\$\'s Blog", viewsingleblog: "Viewing only the selected blog entry. Click \$fcid\$here\$fcidend\$ to view the entire blog.", noentries: "This user has not yet added any entries to their blog.", postedby: "POSTED BY", today: "TODAY", noauthor: "Unknown Author", tags: "Tags", title: "Title:", post: "post", cancel: "cancel", notEditable: "This blog entry is currently read\-only . Please try again later.", commentBy: "COMMENT POSTED BY", deleteBlog: "Are you sure you want to delete the blog entry and all associated comments?", deleteComment: "Are you sure you want to delete this blog comment?" }, profileImageUpload: { windowtitle: "Profile Picture", selectImage: "You must select an image first.", onlyJPG: "Currently only JPG/JPEG images are allowed.", failwitherror: "Your profile image was not uploaded successfully. Please try again later. [errror: \$status\$]", failnoerrro:"Your profile image was not uploaded successfully. Please try again later.", step1:"Uploading selected image", step2:"Upload complete", step3:"Uploading cropped image", step4:"Formatting image 1 of 2", step5:"Formatting image 2 of 2" }, profileCompleteness: { percent: "Your profile is \$prcnt\$\% complete. Adding your \$nextitem\$ will make it \$nextlevel\$\% complete.", photo: "photo", bio: "biography", expertise: "expertise", phone: "phone number", manager: "manager", im: "instant messenger", department: "department", education: "education" }, editProfile: { myprofile: "MY PROFILE", save: "save", cancel: "cancel", next: "next", prev: "prev", closepost: "Please save or cancel your current post, then try editing again.", noemailupdate: "Your email address for feeds and notifications was not updated." }, datasource: { error: { subject: "An error has occurred", owner: "Communities" } }, doSub: function(string, keys) { var tmpstr = string; for (var i in keys) { tmpstr = tmpstr.replace(("$"+i+"$"), keys[i]); } return tmpstr; }, getStringParts: function(string) { var parts = string.split("|"); var rv = { content: parts[0], tooltip: false }; if (parts.length > 1) { rv.tooltip = parts[1]; } return rv; }, setElementString: function(string, element, fmtstring) { var parts = FIRSTCLASS.locale.getStringParts(string); if (fmtstring) { FIRSTCLASS.ui.Dom.setInnerHTML(element,FIRSTCLASS.locale.doSub(fmtstring, parts)); } else { FIRSTCLASS.ui.Dom.setInnerHTML(element,parts.content); } if (parts.tooltip) { element.setAttribute("title", parts.tooltip); } else { element.setAttribute("title", ""); } }, setElementRole: function(string, element) { var parts = FIRSTCLASS.locale.getStringParts(string); if (parts.content && (parts.content != "")) { element.setAttribute("role",parts.content); } }, Date: { getFriendlyDay: function(date) { var day = date.getDate(); var str = "th"; switch (day%10) { case 1: str = "st"; break; case 2: str = "nd"; break; case 3: str = "rd"; break; default: str = "th"; } if (day >= 10 && day < 20) { str = "th"; } return day + str; }, getDayString: function(date) { switch (date.getDay()) { case 0: return "Sunday"; case 1: return "Monday"; case 2: return "Tuesday"; case 3: return "Wednesday"; case 4: return "Thursday"; case 5: return "Friday"; default: return "Saturday"; } }, getMonthString: function(date) { switch (date.getMonth()) { case 0: return "January"; case 1: return "February"; case 2: return "March"; case 3: return "April"; case 4: return "May"; case 5: return "June"; case 6: return "July"; case 7: return "August"; case 8: return "September"; case 9: return "October"; case 10: return "November"; default: return "December"; } }, now: "now", never: "never", today: "Today", tomorrow: "Tomorrow", yesterday: "Yesterday", subminute: "under a minute ago", aboutminutes: "about \$minutes\$ minutes ago", halfhour: "about half an hour ago", hour: "about an hour ago", at: "at", on: "on", timeformat: " \$hours12\$:\$minutes\$", amsuffix: "AM", pmsuffix: "PM" } } }; FIRSTCLASS.locale = FIRSTCLASS.languages.en; String.prototype.doSub = function(object) { return FIRSTCLASS.locale.doSub(this, object); };